www.gusucode.com > 用matlab gui 实现界面互相切换功能 给你带来新的方法 创建不同类型的界面源码程序 > 用matlab gui 实现界面互相切换功能 给你带来新的方法 创建不同类型的界面源码程序/tab2_main.m

    function tab2_main(main_fig,ax,tab_name)
% tab1_main file to set up the tab layout.
% main_fig - figure handle
% ax - axis handle
% tab_name - is the name of the tab defined in the main file.
% The handels of the stuff in the tab are stored in the tabs
% userdata. 

% Dirk Tenne 
% CoDE (Control Dynamics and Estimation)
% web:      "http://code.eng.buffalo.edu"
% created:  "05/29/2002"
% modified: "December 12. 2002"

% input treatment
    tab = findobj(ax,'string',tab_name); % get the handle of the tab
    if isempty(tab)
      error(['The tab with the tag ''',tab_name,' could not be found!'])
      tab = get(tab,'Userdata');         % and get the handle of the tab

% look for the main figure and axis
  pos = get(ax,'position');
  txt_color = [1 1 1];
% Drawing the setup

% Specifying the some positions

  w = 0.5*pos(3); % text box width
  h = 0.07*pos(4);
  g1 = pos(1) + w/3;
  g2 = pos(1) + pos(3)*3/4-w/2;
  h1 = pos(2) + pos(4)*.55;
  h2 = pos(2) + 3*h;

% create the tab stuff and store it in hand
  hand(1:2) = inputbox([g1 h1],[0.8*w h],'kappa','tag','okappa',...
  hand(3:4) = pulldown([g1 h1-3/2*h],[w h],'augmented|standard', ...
  callbk = [''];
  hand(5:6) = pulldown([g1 h1-3*h],[w h],...
	      'from workspace|edit Process Noise|edit Meas. Noise',...

% log the handles of the tab1
  set(hand,'Visible','off') % sets the handles initialy to off
  children = get(tab,'Userdata');
  children.inp = hand;
function handle = inputbox(pos,siz,txt,varargin)
% INPUTBOX - draws an editable text box where the txt is displayed
% in front of it.

  w = siz(1);
  h = siz(2);
  h1 = uicontrol('style','text','string',[txt,' ='],...
	    'units','normalized','position',[pos .3*w h]);
  h2 = uicontrol('style','edit','string',txt,varargin{:},...
	    'units','normalized','position',[pos(1)+.3*w pos(2) 0.7*w h]);
   if nargout > 0
    handle = [h1; h2];

function handle = pulldown(pos,siz,opt,txt,varargin)
% PULLDOWN - draws a pulldown menu with the options, where the txt
% is displayed in front of it.
% handle = pulldown(pos,siz,opt,txt,varargin)
% pos - lower left corner
% siz - width and hight
% opt - options of the pulldown menu
% txt - text to be displayed in front of the pulldown menu and name
%       of the pulldown menu
% varargin - additional handles passed into the pulldown uicontrol
  w = siz(1);
  h = siz(2);
  h1 = uicontrol('style','text','string',[txt,' ='],...
		 'units','normalized','position',[pos .3*w h]);
  callbk = ['val=get(gcbo,''value'');',...
  h2 = uicontrol('style','popup','string',opt,varargin{:},...
		 'position',[pos(1)+.3*w pos(2) 0.7*w h],...
  if nargout > 0
    handle = [h1; h2];